The local heat flux measurements are limited by low working temperature of the gradient heat flux sensors (GHFS) [1–3]. The novel heterogeneous sensors (HGHFS) made from metal-metal or metal-semiconductor layered composites (so-called anisotropic thermoelements) have high temperature level of 1300 K and more. Theory of the HGHFS allows to choose thickness and angle of inclination for the layers of composite, and to forecast volt-watt sensitivity. The sensitivity of metal-metal sensors is typically on the order of 0.02 to 0.5 mV/W, and it is much beyond when semiconductors are used. HGHFS are used for a first time for heat flux measurements in the furnace of the industrial boiler which is in operating of the Thermal Power Plant (fossil fuel power plant) in the city of Kirov (Russia). The local heat flux at the surface of refractory-faced water wall is measured in different regimes of operating. It is also shown that HGHFS may be used as indicator of furnace slugging. Small sizes (minimally 2×2×0.1 mm) and high working temperature of the HGHFS are useful for heat transfer investigations.

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