In the present study, we focused on the rapid liquid heating process and the subsequent boiling explosion that occurs when a liquid jet comes in contact with a very hot surface during jet impingement quenching. Assuming the liquid jet as 1-D semi-infinite solid during its brief contact with the surface, a model has been proposed based on the ideas of 1-D heat conduction and homogeneous nucleation. In this model, a liquid control volume having the size of a critical cluster at the boundary is considered and the corresponding energy balance is obtained by accounting for the two parallel competing processes that takes place inside the liquid control volume, namely, transient external heat deposition and internal heat consumption due to liquid superheat, bubble nucleation and subsequent growth. Results obtained are presented in terms of the liquid temperature escalation within the control volume, the limit of maximum attainable liquid temperature and the time necessary to reach the temperature limit at the boiling explosion. The boiling explosion condition as defined in the present model is also compared with the theoretical boiling explosion condition denoted by the upper bound of evaporative heat flux across the liquid-vapor interface, qmax,max. The time duration of the solid-liquid contact prior to the boiling explosion at different surface temperatures as obtained by the proposed model may be helpful for better understanding the possible surface temperature oscillations due to repetitive solid-liquid contact in the first few microseconds of jet impingement quenching.

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