Nucleate boiling of PF-5060 liquid on nano-dendrites surfaces is investigated at saturation and ΔTsub = 10, 20 and 30 K. The electrochemically deposited surfaces layers on 10 × 10 mm Cu substrates are ∼ 139, 171 and 220 μm thick. CHF and hMNB are significantly higher and occur at lower ΔTsat than has been reported on plane, macro-, micro- and nano-structured surfaces. CHF increases linearly 4.5%/K, while hMNB, occurring at end of the fully developed nucleate boiling region, decreases and corresponding ΔTsat increases with increased subcooling. For the 171 μm-thick surface: CHFsat of 27.8 W/cm2 increases to 63.25 W/cm2 at ΔTsub = 30 K, while saturation hMNB of 13.5 W/cm2.K decreases to 12.7 W/cm2.K at 30 K subcooling. ΔTsat at hMNB and CHF increases from 2.0 K and 2.16 K at saturation to 4.2 and 6.42 K at 30 K subcooling.

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