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Keywords: process planning
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Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. IDETC-CIE2023, Volume 2: 43rd Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (CIE), V002T02A021, August 20–23, 2023
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: DETC2023-116347
... Abstract Adaptable products are used to satisfy different and changing customer requirements through changes of products such as reconfiguration and upgrading during their utilization stages. In this research, an optimal design and process planning approach is developed for product adaptation...
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. IDETC-CIE2023, Volume 2: 43rd Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (CIE), V002T02A043, August 20–23, 2023
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: DETC2023-116524
... manufacturing process planning data fusion predictive modeling Proceedings of the ASME 2023 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference IDETC-CIE2023 August 20-23, 2023, Boston, Massachusetts DETC2023-116524 ENHANCING PART QUALITY...
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. IDETC-CIE2023, Volume 7: 19th IEEE/ASME International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications (MESA), V007T07A006, August 20–23, 2023
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: DETC2023-109746
... operations. manufacturing robotics computer-aided engineering process planning Proceedings of the ASME 2023 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference IDETC-CIE2023 August 20-23, 2023, Boston, Massachusetts DETC2023-109746...
Proceedings Papers
Fahad Milaat, Paul Witherell, Martin Hardwick, Ho Yeung, Vincenzo Ferrero, Laetitia Monnier, Matthew Brown
Proc. ASME. IDETC-CIE2022, Volume 2: 42nd Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (CIE), V002T02A017, August 14–17, 2022
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: DETC2022-90673
... critical roles in maintaining fabrication consistency and reducing potential part defects such as pores and grain growth. However, a major contributor to such defects can be attributed to poor data representations in the form of tessellated geometry and incoherent process plans. To address this issue...
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. IDETC-CIE2021, Volume 2: 41st Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (CIE), V002T02A059, August 17–19, 2021
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: DETC2021-71137
... Abstract The importance of process planning in manufacturing systems has been widely recognized. Process planning is a complex process with abundant information, intensive knowledge and miscellaneous experience, which leads to many challenges in its innovation. Innovation has been supported...
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. CIE93, 13th Computers in Engineering Conference, 571-577, August 8–12, 1993
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: CIE1993-0069
...Computers in Engineering 1993 ASME 1993 PROCASE: A PROTOTYPE OF INTELLIGENT CASE-BASED PROCESS PLANNING SYSTEM WITH SIMULATION ENVIRONMENT Hao Yang and Wen F. Lu Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics Intelligent Systems Center University of Missouri, Rolla...
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. CIE94, ASME 1994 International Computers in Engineering Conference and Exhibition, 261-269, September 11–14, 1994
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: CIE1994-0409
... Noimale Superieure de Cachan Cachan France ABSTRACT This article presents the validation of a part analysis method for the creation of a process planning system for automobile prototype activity at the PSA group. The methodology presented is founded upon the division of the problem into two semi-separate...
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. CIE95, ASME 1995 15th International Computers in Engineering Conference and the ASME 1995 9th Annual Engineering Database Symposium, 599-617, September 17–20, 1995
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: CIE1995-0792
..., machinable volumes is discussed. In the second stage called the feature refinement stage, relevant manufacturing information is appended to the negative feature model resulting from the first stage. The proposed methodology can be used to support automated process planning. Practical examples and computer...
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. DETC-CIE96, Volume 1: Design for Manufacturing Conference, V001T01A023, August 18–22, 1996
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: 96-DETC/DFM-1285
... recognition and manufacturing planning. It is our belief that, by establishing a conceptual common ground with regard to these concepts, the research community will be better able to assess how to effectively address the problems that they present. process planning feature-based manufacturing...
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. DETC97, Volume 4: Design for Manufacturing Conference, V004T31A034, September 14–17, 1997
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: DETC97/DFM-4331
... and feature based approach are enumerated. design-for-manufacturability machining process planning Proceedings of DETC 97 1997 ASME Design Engineering Technical conferences S n in se sp a a D IN M w m m o e o to m dew approach using the FMEMs is presented for generating an tegrated process...
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. DETC97, Volume 4: Design for Manufacturing Conference, V004T31A037, September 14–17, 1997
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: DETC97/DFM-4327
... industrial parts and over 40% of them are symmetrical. Examples from sheet-metal nesting (layout planning), bending, stacking, product decomposition and assembly planning are discussed. symmetry detection sheet metal production process planning considering its 2D symmetry and the associated...
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. DETC97, Volume 4: Design for Manufacturing Conference, V004T31A018, September 14–17, 1997
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: DETC97/DFM-4326
... Abstract In this paper we describe an architecture of a new integrative process planning system as a part of computer integrated manufacturing research system. The process planning procedure is comprised of three phases: feature completion, process selection and process sequencing. We applied...
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. DETC97, Volume 4: Design for Manufacturing Conference, V004T31A019, September 14–17, 1997
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: DETC97/DFM-4328
... computer aided design process planning n tic llo e A u manufacture or sometimes impossible to make. In this pape designers decom primarily driven account the manu and assembly pro parts. To overcom tion problem, a d The decompositio decomposition m decomposition re planners and a co A prototype...
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. DETC98, Volume 4: 3rd Design for Manufacturing Conference, V004T04A002, September 13–16, 1998
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: DETC98/DFM-5725
.... layered manufacturing design library rapid prototyping CAD process planning Proceedings of DETC98: 1998 ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference AY interface. KEYWORDS: Layered manufacturing, design library, rapid prototyp 1. INTROD Three dim SFF for Soli deposition an complex stru embedded se...
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. DETC98, Volume 4: 3rd Design for Manufacturing Conference, V004T04A027, September 13–16, 1998
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: DETC98/DFM-5729
... Abstract This paper describes a usefulness measure that supports ongoing work on a hybrid process planning approach that combines the best characteristics of both variant and generative process planning while avoiding their worst limitations. To specify the fixtures needed by a process plan...
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. DETC98, Volume 6: 18th Computers in Engineering Conference, V006T06A051, September 13–16, 1998
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: DETC98/CIE-5529
... called FACILE (Fast Associative Clean Interface Language and Environment) has been proposed to meet this need. rapid prototyping NC machining process planning interface world wide web ME Proceedings of DETC'98 1998 ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences September 13 16, 1998 - Atlanta...
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. DETC99, Volume 4: 4th Design for Manufacturing Conference, 519-525, September 12–16, 1999
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: DETC99/DFM-8922
... Abstract This paper describes recent developments in the Design and Process Planning Integration (DPPI) project at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The project addresses the need for improved communication between design and process planning in the early product design...
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. DETC99, Volume 4: 4th Design for Manufacturing Conference, 465-471, September 12–16, 1999
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: DETC99/DFM-8927
... incorporated such knowledge into the area of process planning. The purpose of this paper is to develop general strategies to minimize deburring cost. Furthermore, it establishes basic decision making tools for efficient deburring planning. deburring costs process design process planning Proceedings...
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. IDETC-CIE2000, Volume 2: 26th Design Automation Conference, 25-32, September 10–13, 2000
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: DETC2000/DAC-14279
..., and reconfiguration is significantly reduced. Such a tool can be used by the system designer for gang spindle head design in the RmS domain. reconfigurable machining system operation clustering system configurator process planning dedicated machining lines flexible manufacturing systems Proceedings...
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. IDETC-CIE2000, Volume 1: 20th Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, 469-473, September 10–13, 2000
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: DETC2000/CIE-14635
... Abstract The application of turning centers for complete machining greatly increases production efficiency by means of introducing new machining possibilities. At the same time, it makes the generation of NC process plans more complicated and as a result the current process planning methods...