This paper introduces a novel matrix-based approach for the simultaneous type and dimensional synthesis of planar four-bar linkage mechanisms, accommodating various practical constraints, including position, velocity, acceleration, and joint placements. Traditional design processes segregate type synthesis, the determination of joint and link configurations, from dimensional synthesis, which involves specifying link sizes and pivot locations. This segregation often leads to complexities in addressing the complete design challenge. The novel methodology proposed in this paper departs from the conventional sequential design approach by concurrently evaluating type and dimensional parameters using a data-driven matrix formulation. The crux of the paper’s methodology involves formulating a singular design equation through a transformation matrix, parameterized by the Cartesian parameters of the mechanism’s dyads. This formulation linearly expresses a broad range of constraints, facilitating the identification of viable solutions through Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) and Null space analysis. This integrated approach not only simplifies the synthesis process but also provides direct insights into the mechanism’s parameters, encompassing both type and dimensions, thereby obviating the need for further interpretative steps common to the use of quaternions and kinematic mapping. In essence, the paper presents two main contributions: the development of a unified design equation capable of encompassing a wide array of constraints within the mechanism synthesis process, and the introduction of an algorithm that effectively identifies all potential planar four-bar linkage mechanisms by accurately satisfying up to five constraints. This approach promises to enhance the design and optimization of mechanical systems by offering a more holistic and efficient pathway to mechanism synthesis.