
The centrifugal pendulum vibration absorber (CPVA) is widely used as an effective vibration suppression device. Most of the CPVAs that have been studied so far are composed of a single mass point or a rigid body (1-body CPVA). They are effective in reducing the vibration of a single-order component. This property makes them highly suitable for using in gasoline-powered vehicles. The development of electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) has introduced complex torsional vibrations to the vehicle’s rotational shaft. As a result, it has become necessary to suppress vibrations of different order components simultaneously. Therefore, in this study, a rigid body model for a 2-body CPVA is proposed to suppress rotor system vibrations with multiple order components. A multi-body dynamics (MBD) analysis model is constructed to analyze a rotor system equipped with the 2-body CPVA. Furthermore, tuning equations for the 2-body CPVA to suppress multiple order components are derived, and the shape of the 2-body CPVA is investigated to further enhance its effectiveness. The designed 2-body CPVAs are installed on the rotor system, and numerical analysis is performed using the direct integration method and shooting method. Subsequently, it is confirmed that the 2-body CPVA is effective in reducing torsional vibrations with two-order components. Furthermore, it demonstrated the superiority of one 2-body CPVA in suppressing vibrations of multiple order components compared to two different 1-body CPVAs.

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