
This paper introduces 55 prompt questions that can be used by design teams to consider the social impacts of the engineered products they develop. These 55 questions were developed by a team of engineers and social scientists to help design teams consider the wide range of social impacts that can result from their design decisions. After their development, these 55 questions were tested in a controlled experiment involving 12 design teams. Given a one-hour period of time, 6 control teams were asked to identify many social impacts within each of the 11 social impact categories identified by Rainock et al. [1], while 6 treatment groups were asked to do the same while using the 55 questions as prompts to the ideation session. Considering all 1271 social impacts identified by the teams combined and using 99% confidence intervals, the analysis of the data shows that the 55 questions cause teams to more evenly identify high quality, high variety, high novelty, impacts across all 11 social impact categories during an ideation session, as opposed to focusing too heavily on a subset of impact categories. The questions (treatment) do this without reducing the quantity, quality, or novelty of impacts identified, compared to the control group.

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