While teaming is a vital component of engineering, it is important to remember that there is no team without individuals and individual behavior can drive team outputs. One of these individual factors that may manifest itself at the team level is individual risk-taking attitudes, which can be impacted by personality and preferences for creativity. However, a gap exists in research on the impact of the team composition in these factors on creative outputs, as previous research has found that team composition plays a key role in team performance. The current work was developed to examine how the elevation and diversity of team personality and preferences for creativity impact the novelty and quality of ideas generated and selected by the team through a simulation study of 60,831 simulated teams. The results of this study show that the novelty and quality of ideas generated and selected can be predicted by the elevation and diversity of the simulated teams’ personality and PCS factors. In addition, it was found that the impact of the individual elevation and diversity factors can vary depending on the ideation trait (novelty and quality) and design stage (concept generation and selection). However, there was one variable that had a consistent positive impact on team behavior — the elevation of the Creative Confidence of the Simulated Team Members. These findings provide preliminary evidence on how individual attributes manifest themselves at the team level to impact team ideation and selection performances.