A prosthesis is a replacement limb that must be functionally sound, comfortably fit, durable, and aesthetically pleasing. Difficulty in prescription is further amplified by each patient’s unique needs and the variability within patient data. The clinician’ s education and prior training is critical in effectively navigating the wealth of patient specific information needed to prescribe a prosthesis and rehabilitation plan that increases the likelihood of long-term patient success. Education and training significantly vary, however, from country to country, and in Lower Income Countries (LIC) a lack of formalized prosthetic training contributes to a lower quality of life for resident amputees. Prosthetists and technicians in LICs face further challenges due to a lack of material resources and formal medical infrastructure. This study was motivated to understand the types of patient information that influence decision-making strategies during prosthetic prescription and compare strategies across expert and novice groups. The results of this study suggest that salient factors are different between each clinician group and is influenced by the complexity of the patients’ case. Activity level of the amputee influenced novices’ prescription, whereas amputee’s motivation, insurance, and health history influenced experts’ prosthetic prescription. Future work exploring the utility of complimentary or supplemental prescription tools, particularly for prosthetists in LICs, is discussed.