
Over the past decade, wearable robotics and exoskeletons have been gaining recognition in the field of medical, assistive and augmentative robotics and have led to numerous new innovative mechanisms and designs. Due to fast-paced research activities, the critical importance and performance of established mechanisms such as wrap spring clutch/brake, Wafer Disc Brakes have been overlooked or used ineffectively. This paper describes a practical design approach that will enable the designer to choose a mechanism based on the application of the device, which will promote overall growth in current technology. The Legged Anthropomorphic Robotic Rehabilitation Exoskeleton (LARRE) project used this approach to design, manufacture, and test the knee joint for ground-level walking. This paper provides the reasoning behind the selection of wrap spring clutch, its evaluation, and testing standards as the knee joint. A thorough literature review was conducted to understand the current state of the art. This project collected a rich set of biomechanical data to ensure that the mechanism will produce the right moments and range of motions during walking. To ensure that our mechanism meets the requirements, the mechanism was put through a wide range of stress tests. The paper establishes a methodology to choose a mechanism for an exoskeleton’s joint based on the desired requirements. The outcome of this paper is an analytical based design approach that can be used by other researchers to impart additional traits and weights, which will aid in the development of exoskeleton design.

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