A new nonlinear dynamics model of the double helical planetary gear train with 44 degrees of freedom is developed, and the coupling effects of the sliding friction, time-varying meshing stiffness, gear backlashes, axial stagger as well as gear mesh errors, are taken into consideration. The solution of the differential governing equation of motion is solved by variable step-size Runge-Kutta numerical integration method. The influence of tooth friction on the periodic vibration and nonlinear vibration are investigated. The results show that tooth friction makes the system motion become stable by the effects of the periodic attractor under the specific meshing frequency and leads to the frequency delay for the bifurcation behavior and jump phenomenon in the system.
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ASME 2015 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference
August 2–5, 2015
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Conference Sponsors:
- Design Engineering Division
- Computers and Information in Engineering Division
Dynamic Characteristics of Double Helical Planetary Gear Train With Tooth Friction
Fengxia Lu,
Fengxia Lu
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, China
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Rupeng Zhu,
Rupeng Zhu
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, China
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Haofei Wang,
Haofei Wang
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, China
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Heyun Bao,
Heyun Bao
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, China
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Miaomiao Li
Miaomiao Li
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, China
Search for other works by this author on:
Fengxia Lu
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, China
Rupeng Zhu
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, China
Haofei Wang
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, China
Heyun Bao
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, China
Miaomiao Li
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, China
Paper No:
DETC2015-48022, V010T11A028; 8 pages
Published Online:
January 19, 2016
Lu, F, Zhu, R, Wang, H, Bao, H, & Li, M. "Dynamic Characteristics of Double Helical Planetary Gear Train With Tooth Friction." Proceedings of the ASME 2015 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. Volume 10: ASME 2015 Power Transmission and Gearing Conference; 23rd Reliability, Stress Analysis, and Failure Prevention Conference. Boston, Massachusetts, USA. August 2–5, 2015. V010T11A028. ASME. https://doi.org/10.1115/DETC2015-48022
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