The authors of this work propose a virtual reality approach that overcomes two fundamental challenges experienced in physical learning environments; i) variations in audial quality, and ii) variations in visual quality, in an effort to achieve individual customization of information content. In physical brick and mortar environments, the dissemination of information is influenced by the medium that the information travels through, which is typically distorted by line of sight constraints and constraints that distort sound waves. The fundamental research question is how to achieve consistent quality of information being disseminated, as the number of audience members increases? There exists a knowledge gap relating to the creation of a scalable, networked, system for enabling real time, information exchange. The authors propose a virtual reality approach to address these limitations of physical learning spaces that minimizes the variability in audial and visual information dissemination. A real time, networked architecture is proposed that enables multiple individuals to simultaneously experience the same quality of audial and visual information, based on the optimal geospatial position for audial and visual exposure determined. A case study is introduced that first quantifies simulations of the audial and visual information loss experienced by audience members receiving information at different geospatial locations in a brick and mortar environment. This information loss is compared against the proposed virtual reality architecture that minimizes the variation in information dissemination. The authors demonstrate that the proposed solution is an improved, scalable multi-user system, unlike brick and mortar environments that are constrained by size and geospatial positioning.

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