The present paper describes the research done to empirically validate the use of RGB-D cameras for orthopedic rehabilitation purposes. In order to assess the outcome of optical sensors a set of new generation inertial sensors have been adopted as well. Both kind of sensors have been used to track the same scene simultaneously in order to have comparable results. The aim of the work is provide evidence of performances of the newly introduced sensors (optical and inertial) and to automate acquisition and data elaboration in the medical field. The extraction of the only meaningful data from a gait, for instance, gives the change to perform an automatic preliminary analysis on normal people as well as on patients with known pathologies or disorders. In particular, this could allow determining without human intervention any standard disorders, according to literature classifications, eventually affecting the gait. The automatic procedure from acquisition to diagnosis constitutes a challenging topic of research and a success in terms of reliability, usability and physiological acceptance by technicians would radically impact medical practices in orthopedic rehabilitation centers.
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ASME 2015 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference
August 2–5, 2015
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Conference Sponsors:
- Design Engineering Division
- Computers and Information in Engineering Division
Towards Automatic Gait Assessment by Means of RGB-D Mocap
Daniele Regazzoni,
Daniele Regazzoni
University of Bergamo, Dalmine, BG, Italy
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Caterina Rizzi,
Caterina Rizzi
University of Bergamo, Dalmine, BG, Italy
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Claudio Comotti,
Claudio Comotti
University of Bergamo, Dalmine, BG, Italy
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Federico Massa
Federico Massa
University of Bergamo, Dalmine, BG, Italy
Search for other works by this author on:
Daniele Regazzoni
University of Bergamo, Dalmine, BG, Italy
Caterina Rizzi
University of Bergamo, Dalmine, BG, Italy
Claudio Comotti
University of Bergamo, Dalmine, BG, Italy
Federico Massa
University of Bergamo, Dalmine, BG, Italy
Paper No:
DETC2015-48021, V01AT02A057; 10 pages
Published Online:
January 19, 2016
Regazzoni, D, Rizzi, C, Comotti, C, & Massa, F. "Towards Automatic Gait Assessment by Means of RGB-D Mocap." Proceedings of the ASME 2015 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. Volume 1A: 35th Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. Boston, Massachusetts, USA. August 2–5, 2015. V01AT02A057. ASME.
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