The limitations of empirical models for human metabolic energy expenditure (MEE) have motivated the search for general-purpose models based on investigations of heat dissipation. As opposed to the muscle-space approach to MEE modeling, the study outlined here adopts a joint-space MEE model developed from thermodynamics and multibody system dynamics principles. The MEE is formulated as a function of joint-space kinematic and kinetic variables and commonly measured system kinetic and kinematic parameters. This study builds on previous work by introducing an updated heat dissipation formulation that contains additional kinetic variables and accounts for the different energetic costs of negative and positive work. A multiple regression analysis is used to develop a 12 parameter MEE model with experimental MEE data obtained from human steady-state walking experiments. The resulting model was able to reliably predict the MEE of different subjects walking over a large range of speeds.
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ASME 2015 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference
August 2–5, 2015
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Conference Sponsors:
- Design Engineering Division
- Computers and Information in Engineering Division
Computational Metabolic Energy Expenditure Model With Novel Heat Dissipation Formulation
William Peng,
William Peng
New York University, Brooklyn, NY
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Joo H. Kim
Joo H. Kim
New York University, Brooklyn, NY
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William Peng
New York University, Brooklyn, NY
Joo H. Kim
New York University, Brooklyn, NY
Paper No:
DETC2015-47728, V01AT02A054; 6 pages
Published Online:
January 19, 2016
Peng, W, & Kim, JH. "Computational Metabolic Energy Expenditure Model With Novel Heat Dissipation Formulation." Proceedings of the ASME 2015 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. Volume 1A: 35th Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. Boston, Massachusetts, USA. August 2–5, 2015. V01AT02A054. ASME.
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