This paper is to present an experimental study that measures ground-based response of a spinning, cyclic, symmetric rotor-bearing-housing system. In particular, the study focuses on rotor-housing coupled modes that are significantly dominated by housing deformation. In the experiments, a ball-bearing spindle motor, carrying a disk with four evenly spaced slots (i.e., the rotor), is mounted onto a stationary housing. The housing is a square plate supported with steel spacers at four corners and fixed to the ground. Two different ways are used to excite the rotor-housing system to measure frequency response functions (FRFs). One is to use an automatic hammer tapping at the disk, and the other is to use a piezoelectric actuator attached to the housing. Vibration of the rotor and housing is measured via a laser Doppler vibrometer and a capacitance probe. The experiments consist of two parts. The first part is to obtain FRFs when the rotor is not spinning. The measured FRFs reveal two rotor-housing coupled modes dominated by the housing. Their mode shapes are characterized by one nodal line in housing and one nodal diameter in the rotor. The second part is to obtain waterfall plots when the rotor is spinning at various speeds. The waterfall plots show that the housing dominant modes split into primary branches and secondary branches as the spin speed varies. The primary branches almost do not change with respect to the spin speed. In contrast, the secondary branches evolve into forward and backward branches. Moreover, their resonance frequencies increase and decrease at four times of the spin speed. The measured results agree well with the predictions found in the authors’ previous theoretical study [1].

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