Geometric Constraint Programming (GCP) provides a powerful method for the synthesis of planar mechanisms using parametric modeling programs that are common to industry. The graphical nature of GCP allows for the ready incorporation of many existing graphical constructions into the design process. This paper examines the use of vector diagrams for velocity and acceleration analysis of a four-bar linkage and how such diagrams can be incorporated into the design process using the methods of GCP. The method is implemented by using GCP to create a mechanism at one or more design positions. Velocity and acceleration vector diagrams are added to positions of interest to allow for the inclusion of velocity and acceleration information in the design process. The result is an approach to GCP synthesis that allows a designer to create mechanisms to match requirements for infinitesimally and multiply separated positions using techniques that are commonly taught in an introductory undergraduate mechanisms course. Two examples are presented to demonstrate the utility of the methods described.

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