Honeycomb core sandwich shells are used for many applications, but available unit architectures and global curvatures are limited. Numerous origami-core sandwich shells, known as foldcores, have been proposed as alternatives, but studies into their mechanical performance are few. This paper conducts a preliminary investigation into the impact resistance and energy absorption of single-curved foldcore sandwich shells that utilise Miura-derivative patterns as their core geometry. A numerical analysis on three Miura-derivative core patterns, the Arc-Miura (AM), Non-Developable Miura (ND), and Non-Flat Foldable Miura (NF) patterns, shows that ND and AM-type shells have similar impact resistance to each other, and superior impact resistance to NF-type shells. Prototypes of aluminium ND and AM-type foldcores are constructed and used to validate numerical models. Numerical models were then used to draw comparisons with an over-expanded honeycomb (OX-core) sandwich shell. It was seen that the OX-core had a better energy absorption capacity than either of the foldcores. However the AM-type foldcore possessed superior initial strength, and the ND-type possessed superior response uniformity, attributes that might be exploitable with future research. A brief parametric study on ND-type shells suggested that in general, for a given design radius and density, a foldcore shell configuration with a lower unit cell area-to-height ratio will have a higher energy absorption capability.

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