The open rotor engine is a next generation aero-engine that satisfies the demand for high fuel efficiency and low CO2 emission. A differential planetary gear system is incorporated in the open rotor engine to connect the turbine output shaft and fan rotors in order to counter-rotate the fan rotors as well as allow the turbine and fan rotors to operate at more efficient speeds. The open rotor gear system is required to have not only 20,000 hp high power transmission, but also an increasingly high efficiency, high reliability and light weight. To achieve these requirements, the following design works were conducted; (1) a low misalignment and lightweight carrier, (2) a flexible structure to absorb the displacement caused by the flight load, (3) an optimum gear tooth modification and (4) reduction of oil churning and windage losses. Also, extensive analyses and simulations such as lube oil flow CFD, FEA and tooth contact analysis were conducted. A full scale prototype gear system was manufactured and validation tests were conducted using a newly constructed test rig to validate the design concept. A slow roll test, rated performance test and efficiency test were conducted. And the design concept was found to be valid. This paper describes details of the prototype design and the results of the validation tests.
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ASME 2013 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference
August 4–7, 2013
Portland, Oregon, USA
Conference Sponsors:
- Design Engineering Division
- Computers and Information in Engineering Division
Design and Test of Differential Planetary Gear System for Open Rotor Power Gearbox
Hideyuki Imai,
Hideyuki Imai
Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd., Akashi, Japan
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Tatsuhiko Goi,
Tatsuhiko Goi
Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd., Akashi, Japan
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Kenichi Kijima,
Kenichi Kijima
Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd., Akashi, Japan
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Tooru Nishida,
Tooru Nishida
Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd., Akashi, Japan
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Hidenori Arisawa,
Hidenori Arisawa
Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd., Akashi, Japan
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Tetsuya Matsuoka,
Tetsuya Matsuoka
Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd., Akashi, Japan
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Maiko Sato
Maiko Sato
Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd., Akashi, Japan
Search for other works by this author on:
Hideyuki Imai
Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd., Akashi, Japan
Tatsuhiko Goi
Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd., Akashi, Japan
Kenichi Kijima
Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd., Akashi, Japan
Tooru Nishida
Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd., Akashi, Japan
Hidenori Arisawa
Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd., Akashi, Japan
Tetsuya Matsuoka
Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd., Akashi, Japan
Maiko Sato
Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd., Akashi, Japan
Paper No:
DETC2013-12089, V005T11A043; 10 pages
Published Online:
February 12, 2014
Imai, H, Goi, T, Kijima, K, Nishida, T, Arisawa, H, Matsuoka, T, & Sato, M. "Design and Test of Differential Planetary Gear System for Open Rotor Power Gearbox." Proceedings of the ASME 2013 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. Volume 5: 25th International Conference on Design Theory and Methodology; ASME 2013 Power Transmission and Gearing Conference. Portland, Oregon, USA. August 4–7, 2013. V005T11A043. ASME.
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