Our approach is to capitalize on the research findings on linkages between higher-order thinking and peer learning to create and evaluate a learning environment, entitled Teaching to Learn (TeatoL). TeatoL blends mobile smart devices and traditional approaches to enhance critical thinking and competencies essential for students to solve open-ended problems. The main objective is to understand, develop, implement and evaluate a peer-learning environment utilizing mobile technologies and devices. The focus is on peer learning mode, where students are instructors to share their experience and then learn from fellow student instructors.

In this paper, we present our vision of this learning medium along with the foundation we have built it upon. Within TeatoL students are introduced to a “flatter” instructional environment; all participants have dual roles as students and instructors who are embedded in a collaborative environment where all learn collectively from each other’s experiences, even the instructor. We also discuss hypothesized benefits and our on-going work on initial implementation and its assessment. We close the paper with observations from our initial implementations across three data collection sites.

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