In this paper we propose a structured approach for the parameters identification of a multibody vehicle concept model to be used for the combined analysis of vertical and longitudinal dynamics. The model here proposed adopts eight degrees of freedom in the space. The wheels are connected to the sprung mass in an equivalent trailing arm configuration thus enabling to reproduce the squat and dive phenomena. This conceptual suspension representation allows determining the dynamic response of the vehicle during longitudinal acceleration or braking maneuvers. The identification procedure here suggested evaluates the unknown parameters of the model, being the global stiffness and damping coefficients of the suspensions and the positions of the pivot points of the trailing arms. The identification algorithm is based on non-linear least square costs that can be computed by having as reference the signals of a measurement campaign which is conducted on a real vehicle as well as on a virtual predecessor model. The results here shown make use of virtually measured quantities coming from ride maneuvers performed by means of a high fidelity multibody model of a passenger car. The presented concept model, showing good correlation with respect to the reference signals, is suggested as a reliable prediction and optimization tool in the early stage of the design phase of new vehicles.

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