This work presents a novel method for designing crashworthy structures with controlled energy absorption based on the use of compliant mechanisms. This method helps in introducing flexibility at desired locations within the structure, which in turn reduces the peak force at the expense of a reasonable increase in intrusion. For this purpose, the given design domain is divided into two subdomains: flexible (FSD) and stiff (SSD) subdomains. The design in the flexible subdomain is governed by the compliant mechanism synthesis approach for which output ports are defined at the interface between the two subdomains. These output ports aid in defining potential load paths and help the user make better use of a given design space. The design in the stiff subdomain is governed by the principle of a fully-stressed design for which material is distributed to achieve uniform energy distribution within the design space. Together, FSD and SSD provide for a combination of flexibility and stiffness in the structure, which is desirable for most crash applications.

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