In the field of automotive safety, Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) that are systems designed to help the driver in its driver process, are receiving growing attention. Although the introduction of ADAS has contributed decreasing car accidents, the number of accidents is still high. This motivate us to explore the different available ADAS identifying the critical factors in order to find ways to enhance these systems. Some overviews and classifications of the ADAS field are available but the emphasis is more on the technical advances and the human machine interface rather than on the support they provide to the driver for the information processing. An overview and classification of the driver assistance systems field is presented with respect to that information processing performed by the driver when driving. The basic characteristics of these systems and the critical factors are provided. This approach allow for more appropriate identification of the priorities in the field of future research and development of ADAS regarding the driver. The proposed overview allocates the ADAS in 3 different categories on the basis of the sub process of driving they are helping (perception, analysis-decision, and action). This overview reveals that these systems besides being restricted by the sensors and the number of factors considered, they are specially limited in the consideration of drivers’ characteristics which is an important issue when human adaptation is considered.

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