A contact-aided compliant mechanism (CCM) is a single piece flexible continuum that uses the contact interactions between different portions in addition to the elastic deformation. Our work deals with the design of contact aided compliant mechanisms with initially curved frame elements to trace more complex and non smooth paths. We can achieve these kinematic tasks by using partially compliant mechanisms as well. But the presence of hinges is a disadvantage in terms of increased friction, backlash, need for lubrication, noise and vibrations. In this paper, we propose an automated procedure to obtain the optimum design of large deformation CCMs. Through commercial software, we simulate the formation of pseudo hinges at contact sites that get formed dynamically as the mechanism deforms. By appropriately positioning these pseudo hinges, i.e., by designing a suitable CCM, the aim, in general, is to achieve a variety of function, path and motion generation characteristics via single piece continua.

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