In order to overcome the limits due to the fact that homogeneous layers of soft material placed over robotic limbs behave differently with respect to biological models, this paper suggests the adoption of soft covers (pads) with differentiated structure. In particular, it is proposed to divide the allowable pad thickness into two layers: a continuous external layer (skin) and a discontinuous internal layer, so that the overall stiffness can be adjusted by properly shaping the discontinuous layer. The methodology adopted for designing the internal layer is composed of two steps. Firstly, the cover surface is conceptually split into finite elementary triangular sub-regions. Secondly, the internal layer of each triangular element is designed in order to replicate the shape of the non-linear compression law which is typical of endoskeletal structures covered by pulpy tissues. A series of symmetrically-disposed inclined micro-beams is used for the purpose. Once the compression law of each triangular element is known, the overall pad compliance can be modulated by correctly choosing the number and size of the elements composing the pad. Equipment and results of a combined experimental and numerical analysis (FEM) are presented. The results confirm that the proposed concept can be an effective solution when designing soft covers whose behavior need to match the compliance of the biological counterpart. As an example, artificial pads which mimic the human finger behavior are presented.

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