A quadratic parallel manipulator refers to a parallel manipulator with a quadratic characteristic polynomial. This paper revisits the forward displacement analysis (FDA) of a linearly actuated quadratic spherical parallel manipulator. An alternative formulation of the kinematic equations of the quadratic spherical parallel manipulator is proposed. The singularity analysis of the quadratic spherical parallel manipulator is then dealt with. A new type of singularity of parallel manipulators — leg actuation singularity — is identified. If a leg is in a leg actuation singular configuration, the actuated joints in this leg cannot be actuated even if the actuated joints in other legs are released. A formula is revealed that produces a unique current solution to the FDA for a given set of inputs. The input space is also revealed for the quadratic spherical parallel manipulator in order to guarantee that the robot works in the same assembly mode. This work may facilitate the control of the quadratic spherical parallel manipulator.

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