This paper discusses the application of Support Vector Regression (SVR) for modeling the non-linear and hysteretic behavior exhibited by mechanical snubbing systems. Though the discussion in this paper is limited to the application of SVR to snubbing in elastomeric isolators, the approach is generic and can be applied to other dynamic systems or to systems exhibiting hysteretic behavior. A theoretical model that represents the coupled dynamics of an isolation system with the corresponding snubbing system for a single degree-of-freedom system is proposed. The theoretical model is experimentally validated and is subsequently used to build a metamodel using SVR. The results of the metamodel are compared to the theoretical model for a simulation example and are found to be comparable, thereby reducing the computational time for the design and analysis of the snubbing system by orders of magnitude. The SVR based metamodel can, therefore, be used to substitute the computationally intense theoretical model for performing design iterations and design optimization of the snubbing system, significantly reducing model complexity as well as computational time during the design cycle.

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