For reliability-based design optimization (RBDO), generating an input statistical model with confidence level has been recently proposed to offset the inaccurate estimation of the input statistical model with Gaussian distributions. For this, the confidence intervals of mean and standard deviation are calculated using the Gaussian distributions of input random variables. However, if the input random variables are non-Gaussian, the use of the Gaussian distributions of input variables will provide inaccurate confidence intervals, and thus, yield undesirable confidence level of the reliability-based optimum design meeting the target reliability βt. In this paper, the RBDO method using the bootstrap method, which does not use the Gaussian distributions of input variables to calculate the confidence intervals of mean and standard deviation, are proposed to obtain the desirable confidence level of output performance for non-Gaussian distributions.
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ASME 2010 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference
August 15–18, 2010
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Conference Sponsors:
- Design Engineering Division and Computers in Engineering Division
Reliability-Based Design Optimization With Confidence Level for Non-Gaussian Distributions Using Bootstrap Method
Yoojeong Noh,
Yoojeong Noh
The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
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Kyung K. Choi,
Kyung K. Choi
The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
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Ikjin Lee,
Ikjin Lee
The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
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David Gorsich
David Gorsich
Search for other works by this author on:
Yoojeong Noh
The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
Kyung K. Choi
The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
Ikjin Lee
The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
David Gorsich
Paper No:
DETC2010-28597, pp. 1065-1076; 12 pages
Published Online:
March 8, 2011
Noh, Y, Choi, KK, Lee, I, & Gorsich, D. "Reliability-Based Design Optimization With Confidence Level for Non-Gaussian Distributions Using Bootstrap Method." Proceedings of the ASME 2010 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. Volume 1: 36th Design Automation Conference, Parts A and B. Montreal, Quebec, Canada. August 15–18, 2010. pp. 1065-1076. ASME.
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