Hydrogen sulfide is one of the most common gases accompanying fuels in oil and gas refinery processes. This gas has very harmful effect on the human health and environment so that it must be removed in an effective and efficient manner before using this fuel. These problems triggered the interest to study the chemistry of hydrogen sulfide oxidation, as it is mainly treated by chemical reactions. Simplification of the reaction mechanism will enable us to understand the properties of the chemical processes that occur during the process of hydrogen sulfide treatment. Reduction strategy is carried out here in order to reduce the detailed mechanism, where the direct relation graph and error propagation methodology (DRGEP) has been used in this paper. The results obtained from the resulting reduced mechanism showed very good agreement with the detailed chemistry results under different reaction conditions. However, some discrepancies have been found for some species, especially in the hydrogen and oxygen mole fractions. The reduced mechanism is also capable of tracking the difference in chemical kinetics that takes place due to the change in reaction conditions.

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