A dynamic model of an engaging spur gear pair is proposed to study the distributions and variation of bending and surface contact stresses around the fillet and contacting points for plastic gears. The parameters used in this dynamic model include time-varying mesh stiffness, frictional coefficient, and profile-shifted factor, etc. Due to high sensitivity to heat for plastic material, the influence of temperature on plastic gears has also been taken into consideration in this work. A computational algorithm is developed to simulate the variation of fillet bending and surface contact stresses during the engagement with different speeds. The results indicate that the operating temperature may affect the distribution and the magnitude of bending and surface contact stresses of a plastic gear pair significantly.
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ASME 2007 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference
September 4–7, 2007
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Conference Sponsors:
- Design Engineering Division and Computers and Information in Engineering Division
The Bending and Surface Contact Stress Variations in a Mating Plastic Gear Pair
Ah-Der Lin,
Ah-Der Lin
Cheng Shiu University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
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Jao-Hwa Kuang
Jao-Hwa Kuang
National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
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Ah-Der Lin
Cheng Shiu University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Jao-Hwa Kuang
National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Paper No:
DETC2007-34470, pp. 263-271; 9 pages
Published Online:
May 20, 2009
Lin, A, & Kuang, J. "The Bending and Surface Contact Stress Variations in a Mating Plastic Gear Pair." Proceedings of the ASME 2007 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. Volume 7: 10th International Power Transmission and Gearing Conference. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. September 4–7, 2007. pp. 263-271. ASME. https://doi.org/10.1115/DETC2007-34470
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