This paper presents an approach to automatically recover mesh surfaces with sharp-edges for solids from their binary volumetric discretizations (i.e., voxel models). Our method consists of three steps. The topology singularity is first eliminated on the binary grids so that a topology correct mesh M0 can be easily constructed. After that, the shape of M0 is refined and its connectivity is iteratively optimized into Mn. The shape refinement is governed by the duplex distance-fields derived from the input binary volume model. However, the refined mesh surface lacks sharp edges. Therefore, we employ an error-controlled variational shape approximation (VSA) algorithm to segment Mn into nearly planar patches, and then recover sharp edges by applying a novel normal-based trilateral filter to the surface. Using the technique presented in this paper, smooth regions and sharp edges can be automatically recovered from raw binary volume models without scalar field or Hermite data. Comparing to other related surface recovering methods on binary volume input, our algorithm needs less heuristic coefficients.

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