This paper will propose the use of control maps along with discretized elements or meshes in the design parameter set for optimizing compliant mechanisms. The use of control maps will be demonstrated to encode the motion of groups of nodes or control points defining the mesh with simple mapping rules. The technique will serve as an alternative to increased mesh size or node wandering techniques that have been proposed to increase the number of alternative design shapes that may be considered. As an alternative approach, the proposed control map parameterization has the significant benefit that it minimizes the number of design parameters necessary (parameters increase linearly with the mesh size) in describing a given design making it computationally efficient. A limited number of tiles can produce a map that has a significant effect on the final shape. If the tiles are chosen appropriately, the problems such as material overlap and non-convex mesh elements are avoided automatically. This paper will describe the implementation of these control maps and provide several examples showing their implementation in the compliant mechanism topology synthesis process.

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