The design of interactions of product components, i.e., an interface structure, is a very difficult design problem, because the whole product behavior is determined by the interface structure. This paper proposes a new algorithm that can be used to derive the interface structure automatically to achieve the required product behaviors. Generally, two or more different design proposals can achieve the same required product behavior. Therefore, the designer must select the better design proposal based on consideration of both cost and mechanical constraints. To support the evaluation, decision, and selection by the designer, an evaluation method for product behavior by comparison of the required product behavior is proposed. We call this methodology the design system of Product Behavior by automatic calculation of the Interface Structure (PBIS). Here, we demonstrated the effectiveness of the PBIS algorithm in an implemented prototype system. PBIS enables the designer to determine the interface structure interactively based on a list of proposed interface structures that can realize the required product behavior. The methodology addresses: (1) how the interface structure problem should be formulated; (2) how the algorithm for automatic proposition of the interface structure achieves the required product behaviors; and (3) the evaluation method of the interface structure by comparison between the required product behavior and achieved product behavior.

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