A high speed railway passenger car bogie is designed. The lateral semi-active damper with nonlinear damping force characteristics for the secondary suspension is introduced in the bogie. Firstly, the finite element model of the bogie frame is established and the stress of the bogie frame under different load conditions is analyzed in order to meet the strength requirement at high running speed. Secondly, the nonlinear mathematical model with 23 degrees of freedom for the railway passenger car is set up and the differential equations of the system are derived. The lateral semi-active damper of the bogie secondary suspension based on On/Off damping control laws is taken into account and the time delay of the semi-active suspension system is also considered. The influence of the damping coefficients and time delay of the semi-active suspension system on the dynamic responses of the passenger car are investigated. The ride performance of the passenger car with semi-active damper and passive damper are compared. Finally, the roller rig test in the laboratory for the dynamic responses of the car with the designed prototype bogie is carried out.

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