The reality of the Knowledge Management (KM) joins in a multiplicity of ends and situations. In the scientific literature, KM seems to appear as a sort of more or less unified and more or less generative “field of research” of specialists’ community. Nevertheless, a detailed analysis of the scientific production relative to the Knowledge Management shows essentially that the management of knowledge and competence became a preoccupation in a big part of sciences and techniques. This is translated by a big number of actors (university, consultant, industrial, etc.) constituting a community of preoccupations. It deals also with a profusion of publications, various networks and a rising offer of specialized trainings. However, the big variety of points of view and interpretations which join to the knowledge and competence management calls up to a lot of caution as for any other scientific discipline, and invites to understand the senses which are given to them. Indeed, no fundamental scientific result appeared really: literature supplies only approaches which hold more feeling than it is important, or very pragmatic applications, sending back mostly to particular cases of companies.

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