With the fast advances in computing technology, contact dynamics simulations are playing a more important role in the design, verification, and operation support of space systems. The validity of computer simulation depends not only on the mathematical models but also on the model parameters. This paper describes a novel strategy of identifying contact dynamics parameters based on the sensor data collected from a robot performing contact tasks. Unlike existing identification algorithms, this methodology is applicable to complex contact geometries where contact between mating objects occurs at multiple surface areas in a time-variant fashion. At the same time, the procedure requires only measurements of end-effector forces and the position information for the end-effector and the environment. Similarly to other methods, the solution is formulated as a linear identification problem, which can be solved with standard numerical techniques for overdetermined systems. Efficacy, precision, and sensitivity of the identification methodology are investigated in simulation for a payload/fixture combination modeled after a real space-manipulator task.

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