
Single tooth bending fatigue behavior of three gear alloys, namely carburized 9310, induction hardened 4340M and 4360 alloys were examined. The alloys were fabricated into gears having a module of 2.12 (12 diametral pitch) with 12.7 mm (1/2 inch) face width. As the gear geometry was different from that recommended in SAE Single Tooth Gear Bending Fatigue Test standard (SAE-J1619), a test fixture was designed to accommodate these gears. The fixture has the added feature of conjugate action, not found in the SAE test standard. The gears were slowly bent in the fixture to determine the yield load. Then fatigue loads of 85%, 75%, and 65% of yield load were used to determine the number of cycles to failure. The expected endurance limit for single tooth bending fatigue was determined statistically from the finite portion of the load-cycles to failure curve.

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