Experimental spatial dynamics modeling involves using scanning lasers to sample surface shape and dynamic response of structures in order to verify structural dynamics design intent. Formation of accurate spatial models from laser-based measurements requires that laser position and orientation be registered relative to a fixed coordinate system. A three point direct registration procedure is defined for shape modeling using laser range and mirror deflection angles. Surface velocity measurements with a portable laser Doppler vibrometer (LDV) also require registration, but range information is unavailable. A multiple point indirect registration algorithm for the LDV is described that involves minimizing three nonlinear equations.
A simulated laser rangefinder (LRF) was developed for demonstrating three point direct registration. The 3-D geometry of a compressor housing was modeled by combining range data from multiple laser positions. The multiple point indirect registration was applied to 3-D velocity response field reconstruction of a composite plate from velocity measurements scanned at three separate positions.