
This paper reports on an investigation into an experimental and theoretical evaluation of coupling loss factors and the experimental evaluation of coupling damping for statistical energy analysis of flanged cylindrical shells. It includes the following.

1. An evaluation of the power injection method and the steady state energy method for determining the coupling loss factors of conservative and non-conservatively coupled cylindrical shells. The investigation also establishes if it is necessary to use post processing or additional damping to the subsystems to obtain meaningful loss and coupling loss factors from the power injection method.

2. Establishment of a procedure for measuring coupling damping using the in-situ loss factors measured from the power injection method for non-conservatively coupled systems. The coupling damping estimates are measured for the same non-conservatively coupled cylindrical shell as used for the coupling loss factor experiments.

3. Usage of an elastic wave propagation analysis to obtain theoretical estimates of the coupling loss factors for cylindrical shells connected by a solid flange joint using the Fliigge stress equations for cylindrical shells. The flange joint arrangement is modelled as a ring connecting the two shell halves, where the Love equations are used to develop the in-plane and out-of-plane ring forces and moment. The coupling loss factor is calculated from the power transmitted across the joint and from the stored energy on the incident side.

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