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Proceedings Papers

Proceedings Volume Cover
ASME 1994 Design Technical Conferences collocated with the ASME 1994 International Computers in Engineering Conference and Exhibition and the ASME 1994 8th Annual Database Symposium
September 11–14, 1994
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Conference Sponsors:
  • Design Engineering Division
6th International Conference on Design Theory and Methodology

6th International Conference on Design Theory and Methodology

Quality and Tolerancing: The Link Between Design and Manufacturing

Topics: Dimensions

House of Quality, Robust and Axiomatic Design

Paradoxes in Design

IDETC-CIE 1994; 109-114

Abstractions and Designers

IDETC-CIE 1994; 115-129
IDETC-CIE 1994; 131-140
IDETC-CIE 1994; 141-152
IDETC-CIE 1994; 153-160

Verification, Support and Diagnostics

IDETC-CIE 1994; 161-168
IDETC-CIE 1994; 169-178
IDETC-CIE 1994; 179-189
IDETC-CIE 1994; 191-203

Complexity and Collaborative Design

IDETC-CIE 1994; 205-220
IDETC-CIE 1994; 221-230
IDETC-CIE 1994; 231-239
IDETC-CIE 1994; 241-247

History and Case-Based Design

IDETC-CIE 1994; 249-258
IDETC-CIE 1994; 259-271
IDETC-CIE 1994; 273-284
IDETC-CIE 1994; 285-292
Topics: Design

Paradigms for Design Education

IDETC-CIE 1994; 293-302
IDETC-CIE 1994; 303-313
IDETC-CIE 1994; 315-322
IDETC-CIE 1994; 323-330

Design Methods

IDETC-CIE 1994; 331-341
IDETC-CIE 1994; 343-351
IDETC-CIE 1994; 353-369

Design Research: Snapshots

IDETC-CIE 1994; 371-372
IDETC-CIE 1994; 373-374
IDETC-CIE 1994; 375-380
IDETC-CIE 1994; 381-382
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