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Proceedings Papers

Proc. ASME. ICONE31, Volume 4: SMRs, Advanced Reactors, and Fusion, V004T04A059, August 4–8, 2024
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: ICONE31-135851
... Abstract Based on the process of nuclear power plant equipment layout, this paper proposes a design method for automatic layout of nuclear power plant equipment in the form of solving a two-dimensional box packing problem based on genetic algorithm. By considering factors and requirements...
Proceedings Papers

Proc. ASME. ICONE31, Volume 5: Nuclear Safety, Security, and Cyber Security; Nuclear Codes, Standards, Licensing, and Regulatory Issues, V005T05A014, August 4–8, 2024
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: ICONE31-134621
... Abstract This paper focuses on the evacuation process of the public during off-site emergency, and studies a simulation method for off-site emergency evacuation based on genetic algorithm and variable neighborhood search algorithm. And this model is used to calculate and analyze the off-site...
Proceedings Papers

Proc. ASME. ICONE29, Volume 7B: Thermal-Hydraulics and Safety Analysis, V07BT07A015, August 8–12, 2022
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: ICONE29-92518
... under 95% confidence interval in limiting condition. The heat transfer interval is taken as the performance constraint of the optimal design of the passive residual heat removal system. A penalty function genetic algorithm based on elite retention strategy was used to optimize the weight of passive...
Proceedings Papers

Proc. ASME. ICONE29, Volume 15: Student Paper Competition, V015T16A023, August 8–12, 2022
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: ICONE29-90437
... arrangement and Pu composition using a genetic algorithm. Focusing only on the local peaking factor, the optimization was performed to obtain the fuel pin arrangement that minimizes the local peaking factor. As a result, it was found that fuel pins with high enrichment were placed in the fuel assembly where...