
Component Cooling Water System (CCWS) heat exchanger in nuclear power plant plays an important role in normal operation and accident condition. Because of the different requirements of heat conduction performance under normal operation and accident conditions, it is necessary to monitor the heat conduction performance under normal conditions to valuation the performance under accident condition. At present, the heat transfer coefficient is calculated by collecting the temperature and flow parameters of the cold and hot sides of CCWS heat exchanger. This way of valuation does not consider the influence of the change of plant operating conditions on the heat transfer coefficient of the heat exchanger, and it is also impossible to predict the failure time.The intelligent monitoring and diagnosis system using big data intelligent algorithm and failure mechanism model can automatically calculate the evaluation parameters that can characterize the trend changes of thermal and hydraulic performance of heat exchanger in real time, and realize the purpose of predicting the faults of heat exchanger in advance, thus guiding on-site maintenance personnel to accurately arrange maintenance activities.Based on the research of intelligent monitoring and diagnosis system of CCWS heat exchanger, this paper introduces the development direction and suggested realization method of CCWS heat exchanger in the intelligent process of nuclear power plant, and puts forward the conception of developing intelligent monitoring and diagnosis system of CCWS heat exchanger.

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