The most important characteristic of main Steam Line Break (SLB) accident is the asymmetry cooldown between loops due to secondary break spurting, which results non-uniform reactivity feedback in different reactor core sections. The fuel rod DNBR limit would be more challenged in the core section with peak power.
The SLB safety analysis methodologies in Administration License Application for typical PWR in China are investigated in this paper. Based on the conservative universal methodology, the best-estimated code RELAP5/MOD3 is used to perform the SLB thermal-hydraulic calculation for a three-loop PWR.
In this analysis, the critical conservative models submitted for Licensing process are implemented in RELAP5/MOD3 specified modeling, which includes the Three-Channel Core Model, core inlet mixture array, core outlet mixture, vessel upper head flow and the more realistic SG model. The “second pressurizer” phenomenon in vessel upper head flashing is studied, which affects the system pressure response and mitigation. The effect of SG spouting during the transient is also studied in this paper, which is different with lumped parameter SG model.
The combined approach for Deterministic safety analysis is validated in this paper, which is composed with best-estimated code, Conservative assumptions and Conservative initial & boundary conditions. Because of the flexibility and adequate conservatism, it can be spread for design optimization and independent safety assessment from the third party.