Requirements of evaluating and determining applicability, adequacy and sufficiency of codes and standards applied in nuclear power plant design are required by IAEA, NNSA etc. without detailed guidance or suggestion yet. Purpose of the article is going to discuss and provide a methodology for selecting codes and standards methodology to evaluate their applicability, adequacy and sufficiency, purpose is tying to react those requirements. The methodology is explored based on GDA (Generic Design Assessment) practice, 5 steps are included: breakdown of design activities, collection and identification, evaluating applicability and adequacy, evaluating sufficiency, evaluating consistency. Process and detailed evaluation method are discussed. Selection process could supplement the gap of selecting applicable codes and standards, providing a mentality for engineers to focus on and continually raising other better process or methods for ensuring applicable codes and standards can be selected at the beginning of the nuclear power plant design and implementing nuclear security culture more deeply on selection of codes and standards.