
After the Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan, the world attaches great importance to the study of beyond design basis earthquake. In 2016, China National Nuclear Safety Administration issued a new nuclear safety regulation, regulations for design safety of nuclear power plants (HAF102-2016), which requires that appropriate margin must be provided for new nuclear power plants in case of beyond design basis natural disasters. However, the existing nuclear fuel cycle facilities are also faced with the problem of beyond design basis earthquake. However, there is no relevant standard for seismic capacity evaluation of nuclear fuel cycle facilities beyond design basis earthquake in China. In this paper, the seismic safety evaluation standards and evaluation methods of nuclear facilities at home and abroad are investigated. Taking a nuclear fuel reprocessing facility as the research object, the dynamic response numerical analysis under beyond design basis earthquake is carried out. The seismic response is analyzed, and the weak link under the beyond design basis earthquake is found out, and reasonable and feasible seismic margin evaluation is proposed for the nuclear fuel cycle facility. At the same time, it provides technical support for weak links to take reinforcement measures.

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