Severe accidents (SA) in Light Water Reactors (LWRs) consist of a sequence of thermal-hydraulic events which leads to situations that progress beyond design-based accidents (DBAs), and involve significant core degradation which threatens the integrity of the containment boundary. As part of the coolability assessment under accident conditions, the geometrical configuration of the debris bed is important. Here, experimental study was performed to investigate the formation of debris beds under the influence of a two-phase flow induced by steam generation due to the decay heat of the debris bed on an inclined bottom surface. Current study is an extension to the previous work of Kim et al. (2016) in which the previous model for development of an ex-vessel corium debris bed will be modified by incorporating the effect of bottom surface inclinations. This paper reports the experimental part of the study describing the spreading of the debris bed in terms of two-phase flow, debris injection parameters, and bottom inclined surface geometrical parameters is discussed.