In the context of the studies on GEN. IV/ADS nuclear systems, the correct evaluations of the temperature distribution in the fuel pin bundle is of central interest. In particular, the use of lead or lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) as coolant for the new generation fast reactors is one of the most promising choices. Due to the high density and high conductivity of lead or LBE, a detailed analysis of the thermo-fluid dynamic behavior of the heavy liquid metal (HLM) inside the sub-channels of a fuel rod bundle is necessary in order to support the Front-End Engineering Design (FEED) of GEN. IV/ADS prototypes and demonstrators. In this frame, the synergy between numerical analysis by CFD and data coming from large experimental facilities seems to be crucial to assess the feasibility of the components.
At ENEA-Brasimone R.C., large experimental facilities exist to study HLM free, forced and mixed convection in loops and pools: e.g. NACIE-UP is a large scale LBE loop for mixed convection experiments. The MYRRHA-19 like Fuel Pin Bundle Simulator installed in the NACIE-UP facility allows to make non-uniform and dissymmetric tests with only a few pins heated. This technical feature of the FPS is very interesting for CFD validation and this kind of data tests in HLM fuel bundles are not so common in the literature.
In the present paper, a post-test validation is made by a detailed CFD model of the test section. Experimental data, statistically treated by the error propagation theory, are briefly presented and a preliminary comparison with CFD results using different models/turbulent Prandtl numbers are shown. Three monitored section at different levels are compared both for wall and bulk temperatures. This post-test comparison with this experimental configuration is unique and represents a further step towards the validation of the CFD models and methods in fuel bundle geometries cooled by HLM.