The goal of basic research is to gather information and build upon the knowledge base. This type of study identifies a problem and suggests solutions that applied research can consider and employ using empirical methodologies. Basic theory is a valid and accepted research tool, it is often mathematical in nature, and it is formulated to solve a particular problem. The problem is to find the mathematical link between the natural energy of stars and the energy created through fission. An equation is shown here to have a place in the field of nuclear engineering because it provides insight into the question of what makes the binding and decaying of atomic particles mathematically possible. This equation shows that when the two particles of unequal mass move close enough to be caught up in each other’s flow fields, they are entangled in the fields and remain bound together. When two particles are of equal mass however their encounter does not produce a binding mechanism because their flow fields are the same strength and cancel each other out. The fission of uranium-236 into the elements krypton-92 and barium-141 is discussed according to the equation. Then the fusion of deuterium and tritium is analyzed as an example of flow fields at work. Finally the first three steps of the proton-proton chain reaction are compared to the equation.

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