The closed chamber method is widely used in measuring radon exhalation rate, which can avoid the error caused by the leakage and anti-diffusion phenomena. Firstly, considering the actual situation that uranium ore is difficult to obtain and have a high radioactivity, the uranium-like rock was made according to the similarity theory. Secondly, the diffusion length and intrinsic radon exhalation rate were obtained by using the closed chamber method. Thirdly, the theoretical values of radon exhalation rate made by uranium-like ore block were calculated, compared with the measured values. This study shows that the uranium-like rock block made by the best mass ratio is helpful for the subsequent experiment, and the error between the theoretical calculation and the measured value is no more than 9.14%. This indicates it is reliable to estimate radon exhalation rate by diffusion length and intrinsic radon exhalation rate and can also provide a foundation for rapidly gaining radon exhalation rate of the same type material by the closed chamber method. This study can further promote the study of the radon exhalation rate under the complex physical conditions and then better guide the protection work of radon radiation in underground mining.

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