Uncertainty quantification is an indispensable analysis for nuclear reactor simulation as it provides a rigorous approach by which the credibility of the predictions can be assessed. Focusing on propagation of multi-group cross-sections, the major challenge lies in the enormous size of the uncertainty space. Earlier work has explored the use of the physics-guided coverage mapping (PCM) methodology to assess the quality of the assumptions typically employed to reduce the size of the uncertainty space. A reduced order modeling (ROM) approach has been further developed to identify the active degrees of freedom (DOFs) of the uncertainty space, comprising all the cross-section few-group parameters required in core-wide simulation. In the current work, a sensitivity study, based on the PCM and ROM results, is applied to identify a suitable compressed representation of the uncertainty space to render feasible the quantification and prioritization of the various sources of uncertainties. While the proposed developments are general to any reactor physics computational sequence, the proposed approach is customized to the TRITON-NESTLE computational sequence, simulating the BWR lattice model and the core model, which will serve as a demonstrative tool for the implementation of the algorithms.

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