Breakaway oxidation is a potential fuel failure mechanism during a loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA), especially small-break LOCA. Two kinds of new advanced zirconium alloy, CZ1 and CZ2, were developed by China Nuclear Power Research and Technology Institute of China General Nuclear Power Group. The breakaway oxidation behavior of CZ1 and CZ2 was studied. The outer surface of all samples was examined visually and photographed. After 2730s oxidation in steam, the outer surface of CZ1 alloy sample and CZ2 alloy sample remained lustrous-black. The outer surface of CZ1 sample oxidized in steam at 1000 °C for 4181s was grey, but under the same experimental conditions the outer surface of CZ2 sample was still lustrous black. The hydrogen pickup content of different oxidation time was measured. The samples with grey appearance showed significant hydrogen pickup. The microstructure was observed by optical microscope. Evolution of oxide structure was described, and the mechanism was discussed.

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